Emma Isokivi is a KPJAYI/SYC level 2 authorised Ashtanga Yoga teacher based in Edinburgh, Scotland

Mysore Teacher @ Ashtanga Yoga Edinburgh

SYC Level 2 authorised in 2017 from Paramaguru Sharath Jois, Mysore.
Natural Bodies- specialist Anatomy Training for Yoga Teacher- 2014- 2015
RYT 200, Yoga Alliance, CYS Scotland 2013
BA(Hons) Fine Art 2010 Goldsmiths, London 

Emma began practicing yoga regularly in 2006 after chronic sciatica fuelled her focus to practice yoga more and run less as both provided the mental space/ breath-work focus that she craved. 

She took her first trip to India in 2009 and a month's study in a Sivananda Ashram in Madurai, where she followed a strict regime of asana practice, chanting, cleanses, mediation and philosophy classes and transformed her relationship with a yoga practice beyond just the physical. 

In 2011, Emma begun working with Karen Kirkness, who guided her to begin a daily mysore-style practice.  In the following years she had the honor of assisting and learning from the senior teacher Sarah Durney Hatcher, who she still calls her teacher today and is currently completing the 3rd series of the Ashtanga Vinyasa system with. 

Emma regularly studies at SYC  in Mysore, Southern India- the birthplace of Ashtanga Yoga with Paramaguru Sharath Jois. In 17/18, she received his blessing to teach Ashtanga Yoga, in 2024 updated to Full Intermediate Series. 

In the end of 2019, Emma took over the reigns of managing and directing Meadowlark’s Mysore program. Meadowlark closed May 2024.

June 2024, Ashtanga Yoga Edinburgh was born. Emma bought a yoga centre- The Yoga Stable, and works daily with both newer and advanced practitioners both on and off the mat and supporting a team of 8+ Mysore teachers and assistants. 

Beyond the āsana Emma also studies chanting with Dave Charlton and Lakismish Bhat, including Vedic, Yoga Sutras and the Upanishads.  

Aside from the yoga mat, you’ll find Emma at home nurturing her newly extended family of young children (1 and 7), cycling around the city or rock climbing.